The Origin Story

It started with a parasite
At the origin of Clear, there’s a personal story. Ron Blutrich (our CEO) contracted a deadly parasite, Entamoeba histolytica, from a cup of filtered tap water. What he learned later is that un-maintained filters can be an ideal place for microbial growth!
Chronic consequences
Ron experienced debilitating chronic symptoms, severely restricting his diet and causing over 100 pounds of weight loss in 8 months. The recovery process took three years. It was shocking how one cup of bad water could turn his life upside down.

Research began
During this time, Ron took a health leave from his PhD. As any scientist would, Ron started to do the research. How is it possible that water could be this dangerous? What are the major waterborne risks? How are we managing these risks? Ron compiled his research into a white paper.
Curious? Here's a link to some of the research.
Atlantium discovered
Ron and Gil discovered that UV-based water purification has been trusted by industry and municipalities for targeting and purifying the biological risks in our water. Compared to other UV systems, we found that Atlantium’s UV technology was the perfect system to translate into the real estate market.

A Clear Start
With the idea to translate this trusted purification technology directly to where people live, Ron and Gil started Clear. Since then, Clear has been installing and servicing the best water purification technology in condos, hotels, and homes. Today, Clear is providing purified water to more than 2,500 families world wide.